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Simple Creamy Rosa Lasagna

Serving size: 8-10

Time: 1.5 hours


Pan: 9.5 in x 13.5 in pan

Pasta: store-bought lasagna sheets (9-12 sheets depending on pan size)

Sauce: 2 bottles Rao’s Marinara sauce, double the white sauce recipe:

Cheese: shredded mozzarella, parmigiano reggiano

Ricotta mixture: 1-1.5 cups ricotta cheese, 3 cups sauteed spinach, 1-2 tbsp crushed red pepper flakes (to taste), 1/2 tsp salt, optional (some gruyere & fontina)

Optional Veggies: red onions (1/4 cup), mushrooms (1/2 cup), zucchini (1/4 cup)

Lasagna sheets

  1. Boil Lasagna sheets until al dente. It will cook properly in the oven.


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

  2. Add 2 Rao’s bottles to a pot + 1/2 cup water + red pepper flakes for desired spice & warm up while making white sauce.

  3. Make double the white sauce recipe (add extra red pepper flakes):

  4. Make the ricotta mixture:

    1. Sauté 3 cups of chopped spinach with a splash of lemon juice & red pepper flakes. Cook until excess water is gone. Let the spinach cool.

    2. Add it to 1-1.5 cups ricotta cheese, 1 tbsp crushed red pepper flakes, 1/2 tsp salt, optional (some shredded gruyere & fontina cheese)

  5. Sauté mushrooms on high heat with a splash of lemon juice + 1 tbsp olive oil.

  6. Cook until charred. Add in onions, minced garlic, & zucchini (half-moon shape)~ 2 tbsp olive oil.


  1. Take a 9.5 in x 13.5-inch pan & generously spray/oil the bottom/sides.

  2. Add Rao’s to the bottom of the pan (~2 cups)

  3. Layer 3 lasagna sheets to cover the bottom of the pan.

  4. Add more Rao’s, white sauce, pasta water, & small scoops of the ricotta/spinach mixture, vegetables

    1. Spread the sauces to the corners of the pan to make sure everything cooks evenly.

    2. Light spread of shredded mozzarella every other layer

    3. A lot of sauce is needed to cook the store-bought noodles completely.

  5. Repeat until the pan is full (3-4 layers).

  6. Once all layers are added, add more shredded mozzarella & some Parmigiano Reggiano all the way to the corners.

  7. Cover with foil & add to oven for 30 min.

    1. Check if the cheese has melted & if the noodles are soft & cooked.

    2. If not cooked, put It back in and check every 5 min.

  8. Once cooked, remove foil & broil until cheese turns golden/brown.

  9. Let It cool for 20 min so It cuts properly & serves with salad & bruschetta!!




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